29 June 2010

Red, White and Blue Fan Medallion Thing

I have no idea what to call this thing. I feel like it totally represents my relationship with Martha Stewart. This idea came from Martha right here ...well, with a little tweaking. I thought it would look great on my front door in the same fabrics as the bunting. I had some questions as to how the pleating would stay even when hanging, etc. but I thought, "It's Martha! It's gotta work, right?" Eh... well, sorta. In her defense, I didn't follow the directions exactly, but sometimes, I guess I'm still mad at her for changing the magazine just a little too much... but I digress. I know, I have issues. So, I measured out strips of fabric. Two blue, and two white at 4.5" x 39"; then a red strip at 8.5" x 39" and sewed them together like so: Then, finished the raw blue edges by folding under twice, ironing and sewing. This next part gets pretty fiddly and I didn't like it one bit- you have to fan-fold the entire length making 1 inch pleats and carefully ironing as you go. I was worried I didn't do a good enough job so I put a really heavy book on it overnight. To make the fan is actually the fun and easy part; Pinch the middle and bring the sides together to form the medallion. Then,cut 3/4 inch strips of fusible webbing measuring the length from the edge to the middle. Following the directions on the package, fuse the open sides together. I sewed through the middle as well to give it a little more stability. It starts to look great really fast but here's where I ran into trouble. How to hang the dang thing. I tried positioning the ribbon in different ways to no avail... I tried sewing the dang thing to the hook- even worse. Then I re-read the instructions and tried to run some thread through it all.... long story short, nothing worked. It was still hanging weird and droopy and getting worse by the minute (and it had only been hanging for a few minutes). It was tiring and frustrating and I happened to see a cardboard circle hanging around from a recent wreath I made and that was it. I busted out the glue and just glued the whole thing onto the cardboard circle.
After it dried, I added a ribbon and called 'er done! It looked much better so I hung it on my door and... well, it was so light, it kept getting blown around and it always sounded like someone was knocking on the door, so I brought it inside and there it sits today. I do like it and am happy with it... sort of... just like Martha.


  1. SUPER CUTE! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love it, the fabrics you chose are perfect...

  3. Oh my goodness, what a story! After all that effort it looks FABULOUS on your front door!!

  4. OMGosh, that is tooo cute. Love the patriotic fabric Ü

  5. WOW, this is a stunning piece! I am super impressed. Perfect for the Fourth!! Thanks for the inspiration!


  6. Really cute, and that cardboard is a fabulous solution for getting it to hang correctly. So clever. :-)

  7. I think you did an amazing job, Martha would be proud. Oh, and I like your title of what you named it.

  8. Sometimes Martha's crafts get the absolute best of me, but not you, it seems. You did a great job! Happy Fourth!

  9. It looks great! I'm glad you found a solution to your hanging problem, too.

  10. Very creative idea!! Looks fabulous!! New follower too!! Can't wait to see what else you do! I am having a giveaway over at my place if you would like to enter!

  11. I saw these on Martha's site and thought, "No way!" And yet, here you've created one that is sooo cute! Great tip, btw, with the cardboard!

    Hope you stop by Thursday and link it up to Fab Finds for the 4th!

  12. Love it!
    I've given you an award over at my site!

  13. You are woman, you will persevere! I love the look of your medallion and you got a big, "Oh man!" from me for your trials. It looks great with your bunting! Just think how this would look in Halloween colors?

  14. I LOVE reading and going through your struggle with you!! I don't think I would have the patience to keep going, but I'm glad you did!! It turned out great:)
    Visiting from justsewsassy.com

  15. You are so good at taming that fabric--I'm glad you thought of that cardboard solution. Thanks for linking with Fabric fun Thursday!
