03 June 2010

Kindergarten Graduation Treat Bags

I cannot believe my First Born graduated from Kindergarten today! I feel like I've learned as much as she has this year. I got to know the kids in her class volunteering every week and when I was in the hospital, they all made me the sweetest cards. To thank them for being so wonderful, I made them all treat bags for graduation. I saw this and this and wanted to do something similar and eventually came up with this: It was pretty easy although a little time consuming. I wrapped a Reese's Mini Peanut Butter cup in black paper using a template I made and, with a 1 1/2 inch square punch, a small hole punch, a tiny piece of fuzzy ribbon and a small brad; made a mortar board top. Here are the steps for the "chocolate cupcake" as they're called in our family: And here are the steps for the mortar board: Then you tape the top on the PB Cup and the graduation cap is done! To accompany the cap, I cut a rolled wafer cookie in thirds and tied each piece with a ribbon to resemble a diploma. They were placed together in a baggie with a personalized topper. I was going to make them cuter adding their names with the Cricut and adding embellishments galore, but when it's the middle of the night, you've got to draw the line somewhere, right? I wrapped a Snapple box with some wrapping paper, through the baggies in and they're good to go! The children are getting these tomorrow and I cannot wait to see their little faces! It will be hard to say goodbye and I will miss hearing about their antics every day. I have a feeling there will be many play dates throughout the summer!


  1. You are very clever. What a great surprise for the kids. Enjoy this time as they grow up pretty darn fast. Got a Senior graduating in a few days. I really can't believe it.

  2. How cute are those! Saw you on TT&J and came to say hi :)

  3. You are to adorable! These are great! Good idea for when Oliver graduates. (please let hem stay my giant baby forever!)

  4. This is so adorable!! So creative. Love the diplomas...too cute! Hope you have a great weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  5. Thanks everyone. It is seriously so nice to be making stuff again- kids' milestones are a great motivation... as well as not sleeping ever!!! Ha ha ha!

  6. Your crazy girl...talks about taking a bit of time - those grad hats take time!!

    They look adorable though and the diplomas are very clever...

  7. that is to cute, I wish I get this before, to add to my daugthers gifts, I made some also, if tou would like to take a look. . .


  8. These are so cute!! I love them.

