09 November 2009

Tooth Fairy Envelope

When my daughter lost her first tooth, she swallowed it so we left a note for the tooth fairy. This was especially important as this would be her very first visit to our house and we wanted her to know how excited we were to have her come. My friend had filled us in on how the whole tooth fairy thing works: when the oldest child in a family looses their first tooth, they are assigned a tooth fairy. Some tooth fairies are really good, others kind of lazy- some are even boys! That is why some children get money, others little toys and still others, nothing at all! Well, the quarters and note my little girl got back from Flossie (that's our tooth fairy's name) got all jumbled up under the pillow and something needed to be done! I saw darling little tooth pillows, but I really liked the traditional idea of putting your tooth under your own pillow, so I decided to make a little fabric envelope. I copied a picture my daughter drew on her first note to Flossie and lightly traced it with a pencil onto light fabric. Then, it was embroidered and embellished with felt details. I kept it simple according to my limited abilities and attention span. Then we chose a bunch of pink fabric together... I was actually short some pink fabric so I used a baby outfit both girls had grown out of and stole it from that. Then I made the pattern pattern: I totally messed up on the triangle part which is probably obvious to all the great sewers out there- I should have had a quarter inch rectangle part that hung down off the bottom part of the triangle... I will be sure to do this when I make ones for the other two; but that's YEARS from now! It just seemed right to line the whole thing with batting. First the embroidered rectangle was sewn in between the triangle and the polka dot rectangle. Then, it was sandwiched with the checked fabric, wrong sides together with the batting on top leaving a couple inches open for turning. After it was turned, the sides were hand-sewn closed. And to close I used this crazy mechanism I had in my inherited sewing box (seriously, it was my great-grandmother's box and the snap deal was probably hers but hey, it worked!) I think it turned out pretty darn cute if you don't study the sewing too closely! Just in time too, as tooth number 2 fell out two days later... Flossie LOVED the pillow!


  1. this is adorable and so creative!! Imy oldcer girls are too old for this now but I will be making one in a few years for my little one!! Lisa Abolt

  2. That Flossie! It's a good thing she's not too busy with all the kids in India. :-) (from Rachelle)

  3. What a fabulous idea. Love the fairy she is really cute.

  4. Ohhhh this is very sweet! I love the fairy and the stamp!! Great idea.

  5. Cute cute cute!! The drawing is adorable, and I *love* that you included a postmark :).


  6. this is sooo cute. my daughter's happy to see it as we're making hers tomorrow. keep on
