17 August 2010

Easiest Ever, No-Sew, No-Glue, Alice Bands

I love that headbands are called Alice bands in England! I've adopted the term because we are raising our children to be bi-lingual since their Dad is English and all. They also say "petrol", "crisps" and "Manchester United". Whoa! That's a bit off topic for the beginning of a post.

So, the other day, I was going somewhere and I could not, for the life of me, find an age-appropriate hair accessory and I really needed one because my hair kept falling in my face and I was feeling sort of blah and well, I just wanted something in my hair. I seriously looked all over the house and all I could find were old pony-tail holders. Then, I thought of all the new ribbon I bought for a dollar at Walmart on clearance the other day and *hallelujah* I was saved! Here's how it works: You just take your hair band (it can even be the cheap-o kind with the metal thingy) and twist it, and pull one loop through and you have a knot in the middle like this:
Next, measure your ribbon so it goes all the way around your head and cut.
Estimate the length of your knotted hair band, go up each side of the ribbon that far and tie a knot in each loop of the band. Trim and/or heat seal the ends.
That's it! Seriously. Easiest. Ever. This only took about 2 minutes to make.
So we can all make one to match every outfit this week!
Trying to take a picture of myself... not so easy.

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  1. tão linda e fácil que vou querer fazer para as minhas meninas... obrigado!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I love this...and it's SO easy! thanks!

  3. That is absolutely brilliant!! I used to use ribbon in my hair all the time, I haven't done so in a long time.

  4. @ Ana- Obridada. Tenho certeza que as tuas meninas vai ser tao gira! Tira fotos!
    @ Cerise- Thank you!!!
    @Josh- Thanks for the invite, but I never have giveaways here. Sorry.
    @ Melissa- I used to try to just tie a ribbon in my hair, but it was never secure enough- the elastic makes it snug enough to stay put!

  5. cool idea! i love the gold...

  6. this is such a good idea :) I am featuring you tomorrow !

  7. I love this too! So, so easy and I love that they can be custom made. Great for my girlies and great for me!

  8. What a fab idea! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is such a good idea :) so easy. Thanks for sharing this simple tutorial. For now, just to start this project, I need to go to store and find ribbons and elastic. I can't wait to make one for my little niece.
